Congressman Cárdenas to attendees, “Raise your hand if you’ve been told you can’t”.
Attendee Takeaways
Boldness to refuse being told they can’t, even by those in authority, rather choosing to aspire to become all they possibly can – without limits.
Strength to reject being shamed if they come from a broken home, poverty, or have experienced extraordinary challenges and hardship. Courage to instead OWN IT, understanding what they’ve experienced turns into their advantage. The act of overcoming difficult circumstances generates inner resilience, empowering one to never give up. It ignites a fervent desire to prove oneself and gives one the drive necessary to push through difficulities. These traits are a true advantage in life.
Confidence that they too can, if they don’t give up, overcome all the seemingly impossible problems and obstacles they face, as evidenced by those featured in the Told They Can’t film.
Enlightened understanding concerning the limitless human potential of every child, no matter background, ethnicity, social status, family income or anything else. Acknowledging that as such, every child deserves to be treated with dignity and afforded opportunity – including the children of refugee and immigrant families, and students experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, or other family crises.